Some New things.... Keira Got to dye Easter Eggs for the first time that she remembers, lol... they turned out great, Darrin and I dyed a few too...aint they beautimous ?!?!?!
Ok so Keira Ann informed me the other day that she was in my belly and clara was in Darrins belly when they were babies, and thats how they became sisters! She is growing up fast and will argue with you on ALL her many theories...and both clara and Keira are supper excited about their caterpillars forming cacoons and all their sea monkies have hatched ~ They love the out door life and enjoy looking for bugs and BRINGING THEM INSIDE FOR ME TO SEE..... EEEKKKK !
Darrin works, works, and works some more, The Lord is transforming him into an AWESOME man of God. The latest Dr's apmt we went to last month was very encouraging. Dr Okor looked at Darrin's X-ray's for what seemed like an hour only to come back and say " you see this area here is already fusing, it normaly takes a good year" What can we say except THANK YOU ALL for your many prayers, God Heard every one of them and is healing him! Praise the Lord ~ He is one stubborn individual as some of you may know, but Im sure thats why he is determined to prove to himself that he can do ANYTHING...with in reason of course, LOL. There are some things we never thought he would do again, so there is alot of trial and error going on with all these "firsts" mowing the grass, carrying a 30lb bad of dog food on his sholders in walmart..riding his four wheeler (in the above pic) I cant ever steer that thing, i cant imagine how he does.. but he did ! baby steps though right yall...

OH guess what, My best friend, since middle school got accepted into AU Vet school... She has been working toward this day for as long as I have known here and we are sooo proud of her. Everything she has done and sacrificed during this whole process...She has become a wonderful young lady and Im truly at a lost for words when I try to explain how inspiring she is because of her dedication ! Lydia, Im proud to call you my friend, We love you girl. Oh and Dont let that acceptance letter turn you into an Auburn Fan...We wouldnt want that now would we... ***ROLL TIDE ROLL***
As for ME...

I have enjoyed moving back into our first Home together and we have had a few of our very best friends come to visit. There were alot of toxic relationships I had to rid myself of but it was for the best. We look forward to having some cook outs and get togethers this summer so we hope to see yall ALL here...(there are more of you out therethat promise to come, and you know who you are)
........ JC FOTOGRAPHY ........
Now that everything is starting to settle down I have more time to start marketing JC Fotography. I had such a great customer base in birmingham, and It grew so fast by word of mouth and Im hoping that is how this time around witll work as well...keep your fingers crossed for me !
ALSO... I know some of you have a Facebook page and you can see updates on my progect
"365 days of 2010" , but There are some of you that steer clear of the social networking sites, so for those of you who want to see the up to date images take for this project, go check it out
Here . Comments are always welcome and I would love to have some followers of my blog IF you can figure out how to become one, LOL...
We are all looking forward to spring break next week, and cant wiat to head to the mountains tomorrow for a much needed vacation, Darrin had to go and mess the last one up for us....falling out of that tree and all... Way to go babe....LOL
Until Next time...