I cant believe I haven't posted in almost a MONTH...
That just proves how busy Ive been...LOL...so anyways there is so much new stuff going on here in the calvert corner.

First, A few weeks ago there were several storms that came through MS and AL... they were devastating. Several people lost their schools, their homes, their belonging and even their lives. The Clean up is still going on till this day... We continue to pray for those who lost loved ones and Hope for a full recovery on their towns ! Luckily we didnt have any damages and we made it to the storm shelter just in time. Looking up, you could literally see the clouds rotating, I was scared to death !!!

I had the opportunity to photograph some of my favorite people ever... the Barbaree's. If I had to describe this family in one word, it would be PURE BLISS...ok so two words! Dison just fell in love with Kiera the fist time he ever met her, but THEN....he met Clara, the rest is history. Maci bug is my little blond hair blue eye'd Doll! Then theres Rhett, I have known him for years and years, and he has ALWAYS been there for me, I like to call him, My brotha from anotha motha. lol, And atlast Amy, she is honestly the most precious lady I have ever met, they are all a mess and alot of fun to be around... I love you guys !!!
Needless to say spring/summer is in the air & everything is blooming...I SHOULD be booking left and right, but I have been working on my website for JC Fotography... I have transferred my Domain name to a new host as well as my website... so I have had to reconstruct everything from the ground up. And Im not super dooper excited about my final selections but im honestly sooo tired of changing colors and templates...so what you see now may look different then what you see in a few weeks or months...LOL Go check it out
http://www.jcfotography.com/ and let me know what you think !!

Now that we have broke out the lawn mower for the first time... Im happy to announce that Darrin CAN cut the grass... There were soo many things that we both had already put limitation on due to his accident, but GOD never seizes to amaze us and prove us wrong...Even though He does get worn out doing it. We have also been trying out our green thumbs...o_O...We are a little late on the whole "plant in February" but we went and bought several plants and flowers to spruce up the outside of our home. Even the kids got into it. Keira LOVES water and so does Clara belle, so anything they can help with that involves the "water" they are ALL about it. They seem to enjoy being outside with darrin and I too, wanting to show us tricks on their scooters and such! OH MAN... I almost forgot. For Mothers Day, I got a Hammock, FINALLY !!! The two tree's outside my carport have been screaming "hang a hammock" and so we finally did...Only to realize the dang tree's are about 5 inches to close together, Its comfy, but it sags alittle...The girls don't seem to have a problem with it though!

We have also been enjoying this awesome weather by going fishing... I LOVE IT...but once the kids catch their first fish they are done for the day..not to mention they catch theirs with in five minutes of getting there. The bream are on the bed already and we can see them in the pond we fish. I lucked up and got a new reel that I decided to fish with and not adjust the settings on...well I caught about an 8lb catfish that my drag wouldn't allow me to reel in... so i just started walking up the bank and I drug that bad boy in...LOL... We should have kept him and ate him !! Check out Keira Ann's face, she is NOT digging the "big" fishy at all....haha

Let me see...what else...Oh the Oil Rig that blew up, OK, so I have some venting to do here. First of all its NOT anyones fault, thats why they called it an accident, I mean Im all about not polluting the oceans, littering our beaches and killing animals/fish...but come on people. My deddy worked on this same "deep water Horizon" rig AND he is a driller, It just so happens he wasn't working this particular time. He has alot of insite and knows exactly what happened, with that said do you really think the employee's of BP planned to blow themselves up and kill people...NO...Gripe Gripe Gripe... but thats part of the risk of the job, YES its horrible that we have tons of oil leaking out and it will probably make gas prices spike, but not because we are lacking any... we have oil reserves FULL, that we have not touched. ughhhhhh, i get so irritated hearing about people running for some political position saying "I'm for this" or "im against that" SHUT UP, we got to have it, and that's how we get it, we will all live to tell about the oil rig blowing up from a natural gas bubble that couldn't be stopped in time...get over it and move on... THERE IM DONE...
If your wondering about darrin, he is still wearing the bone growth stimulator, and since his work schedule sucks, he pops muscle relaxers more than normal...His memory is really the only think that you can "notice" a difference with, Due to being put to sleep so many time in such a short time he has an issue with processing thoughts. Like he will say to me "dont let me forget to get the oil changed tomorrow" and Ill have to remind him that we did that yesterday...He remembers then, but he has to be reminded. The Dr said this may or may not get better...
Well that pretty much sums everything up, Again Congratulations to my BFF Lydia Wade for graduating UAB this past Saturday ! On her way to UA vet school in the fall. ~ Here's to new beginnings Lyd ~